Is it your Dad? Your Mom? Your brother? Your Sister? Your BFF? Your Grandfather? Maybe even you? Everyone knows an old fart. They hate loud noises. They hate surprises. They want those dang kids to stay off their lawn (shakes fist). They'll tell anyone about how they know it's gonna rain on account of their sore toe, whether they want to hear about it or, more likely, not. They like to be comfortable and they don't give a hoot if they embarrass you while they're at it (hello fanny pack). Now there are the perfect socks for all the curmudgeons in your life. These "Old Fart" socks for Old Farts will warm those cold feet (and sore toe). Bonus: they look mortifyingly awesome with sandals! In colors reminiscent of grandpa's favorite, cozy sweater (maroon and cream)! These wide ribbed athletic style socks reach to mid-calf on most folks and fit a women’s size 6 US to men’s size 15, 🇺🇸Made in USA 🇺🇸. 65% cotton, 32% nylon, 3% spandex.